The paradox is that
when I love beyond my judgements
and prejudices
I think that I will somehow be unsafe
and yet
I find I open to an even more vast ocean of love
I somehow think that by protecting, blocking and keeping my heart closed
that this keeps me secure
And yet,
I find that the more I expand those boundaries
and love beyond condition
love beyond what’s reasonable
I find I break free into a whole new realm
One that is full of love
and only love
A place that is completely secure
in the consciousness of the Truth
like no other sense of security
can match
Life will keep pushing us
and testing us to grow our hearts
There is no place in the universe that love cannot enter
It simply has to come from a heart that is willing and open enough to give love
where love seems to not belong
Yet this is our task
Let us push the boundaries this year
as there are many who have lost sight
of the light
of the hope
of love
Let us let down our guards
and choose to love beyond what we thought
was possible
or reasonable
There is no waste
no harm
in extending your love
there is only regret
in closing your heart
And so let us experience this paradox that the more I love
until I feel I cannot love anymore
the more an unlimited source of that love
comes through.
Om shanti
Let us love
even that which
has been deemed unlovable
Let us love beyond
caste or creed
religion or race
Let us love until our hearts are filled
beyond capacity
and then find
there is only