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we belong to a family of angels
If we have no peace
It’s because we have forgotten
who we belong to
we belong to the Divine
the Ocean of Love
the Spiritual Parent
we belong to each other
as a family of angels
of sparkling lights
When we realize our love and our belonging
we break free into the sweetness of the family
The truth that lies beneath
all of the noise and chaos and commontion
of the drama of life
Yet beneath all the noise
Beneath all the action
there is just
In this silence is our peace
is our remembrance of who we are
and our remembrance of the divine
We are souls
beings of peace
beings of silence
We are a family of angels
and we belong to each other
Can you feel the deep peace
and calm
that comes with this awareness?
Can you feel the great gift
we all are
to one another?
I love you
and you love me
this is the truth actually
It’s the ego and body consciousness that creates separation
and negativity
Yet, really
We are love
We are one family
We are divine
Let us feel this and realize this
Let there be peace
in knowing your belonging to this divine family
that we are
Om shanti
Beloved friend
Beloved brother and sister
Om shanti
Let there be peace.

